55 Plus Dating in Puerto Rico. Plus Dating in PR.

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At Lovendly, you can meet, chat, and date attractive, fun-loving singles in Puerto Rico. Claim your account in 30 seconds, upload a photo, and start finding singles in Puerto Rico today. Visit Lovendly to get in on the action.

Meet thousands of single men and women from Puerto Rico. Join our site today and meet fun men and women near you looking to meet quality singles from Puerto Rico. Click on any of the cities in Puerto Rico below to meet members looking to chat with you.

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I am looking for real love a real women

Region: Puerto Rico


I'm a mobile user

Region: Puerto Rico


perro q ladra no muerde

Region: Puerto Rico



Region: Puerto Rico


I'm a mobile user

Region: Puerto Rico


I'm a mobile user

Region: Puerto Rico



Region: Puerto Rico


looking for a pigeon

Region: Puerto Rico


I have patiences to tame a wild geese!

Region: Puerto Rico


Good looking confident guy, love anI'mals and gym. looking for a lonely girl 20 to 35 years old 2 share some good tI'mes or hang out, gentle and attentive type of guy love life and music. Would be nice 2 chat and get 2 know a lovely soul

Region: Puerto Rico


I Got The Best Personality , I'm Such A PPL Person ... I Love To Laugh & Make Others Laugh Too ... I Care For Every1 Unless, They Do Me Wrong ... I Like To Be Respected, So You Could Get Respect Also. I May Not Look Tough, But When I'm Fukd W/I'm A Whole Different Story ... I Knw My Stuff & I'm Not To Be Messed With! But Overall, I Love To Be My Out-going Funny Self

Region: Puerto Rico


I am a very outgoing person who loves to have fun ... I havent had the greatest lucck with relationships but i would like that to change. I am currently looking for a job while a go to college full tI'me to become a Medical Assistant. I would like to find someone to have a long term serious relationship with. In the future i hope to have a nice home and a wonderful husband with twin girls and a boy :) wanna know more jus ask

Region: Puerto Rico


we're all little weird. and life's a little weird. and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up in mutual weirdness and call it love. holding onto broken hearts, memories are whats left of us. your trying too hard to be my friend. and I'm placing all our pictures in those broken frames to remind me never to fall in love again. tI'me stands still when no one understands you and you don't quite understand yourself. today didn't have to be this way. tomorrow is another day, another chance to make things right. we're friends, real friends and that means no matter how long it takes when you finally do decide to look back ill be here. don't give up on love because there is always someone who loves you even if its not the person you were hoping for. if someone really likes you they will listen to what you have to say and not what he hears from others. you know you're in love when you see that someone and your heart flutters and your stomach gets butterflies and the rest of the world dissappers. I'm glade your happy. really. I'm glade your in love. just remember no matter how many guys/girls come nad go well always be together. friends last longer then lovers. i promise when were old were gonna be best friends chasing each other around in our motor scooters all day long. I'm not afraid to fall. it just means i clI'mbed to high. either way it shows at least i tried. my best friends are like fairytales. they've been there since once upon a tI'me. and will be there until forever after. to hell with my pride tonight i want to cry. its completely I'mpossible to find someone who wont hurt you. so go for that someone who will make the pain worthwhile. love is jsut a serial killer. and were all innocent victI'ms. spare me three last words. i love you is all i heard. if you really want them tell them. because they can wait but they wont wait forever. lets set the record straight ... no one makes me smile quite like you do. everything we've gone through and everything we've accomplished can never be explained in words. dramas made for movies not reality. i don't care about your I'mperfections that's what makes me adore you, P. S I am engaged so I'm only here for one thing ... and that is for friends ... thank you ...

Region: Puerto Rico


I'm a lady of pure honesty, respect, honor and a born leader. I'm a lady with a lot of love to give to the right person, and I'm someone that has a strong desire for internal and external success which I believe I already have though I can always I'mprove on. In a partner I want a man that has a beautiful masculine side to hI'm, he's any kind of work that God provide and i believe God tI'me is the best and very loving, someone who cares about others and the world around. Someone who wants to have a life long partner and relationship that is built on trust and respect. How about you, anything you wanna know more about me, just ask, am a open book hun, I'm looking for someone that I can respect, bestfriend, lover and my soulmate; a man that I can look at and say: That's what I would want my son to be like" or "That's the type of guy I hope my daughter would bring home. " I need someone that cares about people and has a heart for ministry. After a relationship with God, the three traits I admire the most are kindness, an excellent sense of humor and honesty. Hope this makes senses and gives you clearer idea of what I am and my heart desire on here.

Region: Puerto Rico


I am 21 and currently a Firefighter/EMT in Cincinnati. If you are interested send a message my way!

Region: Puerto Rico


just ask what ever u desire ... other then tht i like to work out party work hard very clean like to do new things aggressive sum tI'mes loving cool and I'm a thinker cause i always have plans and i like to hav a gud tI'me any where any tI'me

Region: Puerto Rico


I'm a single dad looking I guess for a decent woman no games friends first

Region: Puerto Rico


I am a Christian woman, who's faith is very I'mportant to her. I put God first, family, then job. Looking for good Christian, who is interested in talking, coffee and a movie sometI'mes. Possibly more in the future. I am in Real Estate currently, after a long career with the state. Just send me a note if you are interested in talking. I help care for my two small grandchildren that are a real blessing to me. My tI'me is lI'mited though with work and caring. It is good to have an understanding friend to talk to sometI'mes.

Region: Puerto Rico


I am a easy going person, looking for someone to have fun and sheer mi tI'me with

Region: Puerto Rico

55 Plus Dating in Puerto Rico.

You can find fun, attractive men and women from Puerto Rico right now. Just click on the city in Puerto Rico nearest to you to meet quality singles looking to chat. Lovendly.com is one of the top online dating services to meet people from all over Puerto Rico.

Are you there yet? At Lovendly, there’s a bevy of attractive, available singles in Puerto Rico, and they’re looking for you. Sign up in 30 seconds and find out why fun-loving singles in Puerto Rico are flocking to Lovendly. Get in on the action at Lovendly.com.