Online Free Dating Sites for Singles in California. Dating Singles in CA.

Lovendly™ is an online dating site that helps you to come across various people no matter whether they are Lovendly™ users or users of other popular social networking sites.

At Lovendly, you can meet, chat, and date attractive, fun-loving singles in California. Claim your account in 30 seconds, upload a photo, and start finding singles in California today. Visit Lovendly to get in on the action.

Meet thousands of single men and women from California. Join our site today and meet fun men and women near you looking to meet quality singles from California. Click on any of the cities in California below to meet members looking to chat with you.

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How to spend a first date or meeting?

Ideas for the first meetings and dates in California: a walk in Daly City, going to the cinema in Fountain Valley, a dinner in West Sacramento, shopping together in Lemon Grove, going to a café in Willits Mendocino County, travel together, walking the pets in San Juan Capistrano, in Moreno Valley, riding a bike in Daly City, cooking together or talk in a chat on lovendly

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Region: California


Crazy & outgoing looking for fun

Region: California


I'm a mobile user

Region: California


I'm a mobile user

Region: California


Talk to me...I'll listen...If I like, I'll talk back.

Region: California


Long Term Relationship

Region: California


love is all

Region: California


a nice girl looking a nice man

Region: California


Brains & Beauty

Region: California


can you put it down?

Region: California


I was born in Oklahoma and have been in so cal since I was ten. I have my own business that gives me the freedom to enjoy life, and look forward to many adventures. I have never been married, no kids, no debts, no felonies. I was in a ten year relationship many years ago, since then I have been looking for the one to share my life with ... ,. moved to port hueneme for six years. Started surfing, fishing, diving, and have some great friends there. I moved back to sI'mi because my business is here and I was tired of driving so much ... well I am over sI'mi, but for the most part very happy with my life. It has been a couple years since my last relationship. Had a heartbreak, and went through being dumped for the first tI'me in my life ... I wouldnt recommend it ... smile ... anyway a good friend of mine told me about okcupid ... free sight, she said was cool, and I met a couple people. went on a few dates, and realized that meeting someone over the internet is not as weird as I thought it would be ... I have an eye for photography, and am starting to focus on my next career. I have had my own business for twelve years, and I want to move forward in life, in every way. I want a good woman to share my life and adventures with. I don't need two, or three ... one good girl will do. I enjoy meeting new people, and love woman, so I can be friends ... but I also enjoy letting attraction lead the way. I am one of the few honest guys out there ... yes we exist ... Doesnt mean I don't have my moments, but being genuine and true is what I am ... no bs. no promises I cant back up ... what I want is someone that cares for me, and wants to have fun ...

Region: California


Ich Möchte Es Noch Einmal Erleben: Die Liebe Und Wärme Einer Frau Zu Spüren An Leib Und Seele. Nationalität Und Religion Sind Unwichtig, Aber Ich Liebe Dunkle Augen Und Dunkle Haare. Das Alter Ist Nicht Wichtig, Es Kommt Auf Die Sympathie An. Wer Wagt Das Abenteuer?

Region: California


Let's go to Fantasy Fest 2011 together! I'm a fun loving guy looking for an average built woman (48 to 56) to share fun tI'mes with to hopefully become a long term relationship. It's best to become Best Friends First. At our age we want to make the most of the rest of our tI'me and it's no fun alone. Because I'm a cancer, they say that I'm most compatible with another cancer, scorpio, pisces, virgo or taurus. I'm looking for an open minded woman that would like to join me at Fantasy Fest to just walk around and have a good tI'me together ... only us and no one else. I've already booked a great hotel close to the main street. Let's chat! I will send you my picture to your personal email address.

Region: California


I'm a down to earth girl i like to have fun and go out and i would like to find someone to go out with me and have a good tI'me with. maybe ill find someone to love on here

Region: California


You're probably not going to read anything past this first line ... if you get past the pics ... soooo I love puppies, cuddling, french kissing, sunsets, and long walks on the beach (of lake erie??!), I grew up in an army family (i moved a lot), did 6 yrs in the navy (i traveled a lot), got my degree in VA Beach, got a good job and moved to pgh, and now I'm working on my masters degree at RMU. I have never taken a topless pic of myself and I have never taken a closeup of my ... Sorry ladies, I know you like that kinda stuff. Lol j/k, I have a good job, a paid off car, and my own house. I'm not looking for games, drama, or daddy issues. I like just the right amount of crazy ... some is good. :), My favorite color is red. I like chocolate and steak (not necessarily at the same tI'me). Dr. Pepper is my fav non alcoholic, non water beverage. I love dogs, I like to cook. I think monkeys are awesome, the Dos Equis guy is my hero, and I really wish people would stop confusing me with Johnny Depp. Jk on that last one. Please ask questions if you are interested!

Region: California


I am a complex, analytical, intellectual who loves to read, explore, and learn new things ... I am also openminded and an out of the box thinker ... I have a passion for music of many genres and have a true appreciation for the art of expression in many forms ... I'm not from Atlanta, but will be relocating there from Houston, Texas to finish school and broaden my horizons (so to speak) ... Not exactly looking to date yet since I have some months before I touch down in ATL ... Just looking to meet new friends before I make it there ... jus a heads up-I appreciate gorgeous (femme)women beautiful inside and out with a strong sense of integrity and spirituality ... I look forward to meeting some of you ... get @ me if you think you can hang wit me on an da convo;-)

Region: California


iam indian city of mumbai bussniessman exporters womens high fashion accessories and jewllery i want open shop in athens then searching faitful life partner.

Region: California


I am a laid back type of person, drama-free, who is looking for a woman who knows what she wants. I have no kids, but who knows maybe in the future ... I am not about to play no games with anyone so, if you are not serious move around! But, if you are serious we'll see what happens next!

Region: California


I'm kind of quiet and shy at first but once I get to know you I get quirky and fun! Love to go out to bars and clubs also like bike riding or I could spend a quiet evening at home I pretty much love it all. ::devil::, OK! Apparently I really have to make this clear, I am GAY! no couples, no threesomes. The End ... Sorry to dissapoint.

Region: California


I'm looking for a guy who is sweet n honest and will do me right n not screw me over. but if u want the number just message me and ask

Region: California

Online Free Dating Sites for Singles in California.

You can find fun, attractive men and women from California right now. Just click on the city in California nearest to you to meet quality singles looking to chat. is one of the top online dating services to meet people from all over California.

Are you there yet? At Lovendly, there’s a bevy of attractive, available singles in California, and they’re looking for you. Sign up in 30 seconds and find out why fun-loving singles in California are flocking to Lovendly. Get in on the action at